Create a personalized membership card

Yapla's document function is rich and customizable. It allows you to make documents available, for example, membership cards. This can be sent digitally by email. With the Galaxie plan, the documents and the card can be available in the Member Section module.


Create the document

The first step is to create your member card. In the Members application's settings, you will find the Documents tile. Start creating your member card by clicking on the Add Document button and follow the steps in the Add PDF Document Attachment article.


Personalize your membership card

The second step is to personalize your membership card. This step requires some HTML / CSS knowledge. Here are examples of what you might get: 





Attach document 

The last step is to attach your membership card via the automatic communication of your choice. Check out this article again, especially the section on Attaching the PDF to a communication to attach your document.


Go further

If you need help creating the card, our support team is available to assess your needs and help you customize your membership cards to your NPO's colours.

Make an appointment

To use the membership card scanner

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