Automate the sending and creation of donation receipts [Guide]

Donation receipts are advantageous for your donors because they can deduct their donation from their income tax. For your organization, it's a good way of keeping a record of a donation. Yapla helps you save time by automating the sending and creation of donation receipts. Let's find out how.

Automate the sending of donation receipts

To automate the sending of receipts, first go to the Donations feature in your Yapla Dashboard.

Then click on Settings. The page that appears offers you several options. Click on the Settings tile, under the General Settings section.


Fill in the fields indicated on the screen and check that they are without errors. This information will appear on any receipts issued.

Once you have completed this step, click on Save at the bottom of the page.

Automate the creation of donation receipts

From your Yapla account dashboard, click on the Donations feature in the left-hand column. If you have several campaigns, select your donation campaign from the list.

The page that appears has several tiles, including one entitled Donation receipts. Click on it.


To view your receipts, go to the Receipt tab. This list also contains the status of your receipts.


Then select the Configuration option.


In the Issuing Tax Receipts section, check "Yes". This will automatically generate and attach a receipt to your communications titled Issuing a Receipt.

⚠️ Please note: If the "No" box is checked, not only will no receipt be issued, it will not be possible to generate tax receipts. In addition, if the "Yes" box is checked, tax receipts will not be able to be generated for donations made before this change.

You can then specify the minimum amount required and the receipt template to be issued.

You then have three options in the Receipt management section for one-off donations. Here are the possibilities offered by each one.


Create and send the receipts automatically

With this option, your donors automatically receive Yapla-generated receipts as attachments.

Create the receipts automatically without sending them

If you check this option, the receipts generated by the platform remain in the Unsent status. You can either send them manually by e-mail, or print them for mailing.

Create the receipts manually

When you choose this option, the receipt status remains Pending. You can then determine for which donation to generate a donation receipt.

To do so, go to the Donation receipts tab. Click on the cogwheel in front of the donation of your choice. Select the Send option.


Go further: generating a consolidated receipt

If your donors make recurring donations, you can offer them the option of receiving a consolidated donation receipt. Find out more about how to consolidate all of a donor's donations on an annual basis.

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