Modify an existing membership campaign

Once you've created your memberships campaign, you can modify it further. You can, for example, update certain information on your page, or modify its visuals. What's more, this has no impact on your existing members. Find out how.

Modify your campaign

From your Yapla account Dashboard, click on the Members feature.

Then click on Campaigns. This brings up a page listing all your membership campaigns. Select the campaign you wish to modify.


A new page appears, giving you access to several settings.


These are all the characteristics of your campaign, and they can all be modified.
Here you can select the tile of your choice to update:

  • the list of members
  • the visual for your campaigns page
  • the membership form information
  • the automatic communications sent to your members
  • the campaign descriptions
  • the membership types.

A word of advice: make sure you click on the Save button once you've completed your changes.

How do I unpublish my campaign?

Is your campaign on pause? Or has it come to an end? If you don't want your page to be accessible to the public anymore, you can unpublish it.

From the Dashboard, in the Members feature, click on Campaigns.

Choose the campaign of your choice from the list.

Once your campaign settings are displayed, you should see a small Published button at the top of your page.


Simply click on it to deactivate it, and thus unpublish your page. The button will no longer be orange, but grey.

You can always publish it again later, following the same steps.


Going further: how do you broadcast a membership campaign?

To reach your community and get as many memberships as possible, you can distribute your campaign via a number of channels. Newsletter, social media or website: here are our tips for easily sharing your campaign.




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