Cancel an invoice

Yapla allows you to cancel invoices issued in the Members, Events and Donations applications.

Members application

To cancel a membership, go to Members > Memberships > Membership form. From the membership form, you can click on the button Available actions > Cancel membership. Yapla will ask you for confirmation. Finish by clicking on Yes, your invoice is cancelled.

Cancelling a membership requires special attention if you have activated the Organization type memberships

For more details, see: Canceling a Membership


Events application

To cancel a membership, go to Events > Events > Registration List. Click on one of your registrations. From the registration details, you have the possibility to click on the button Available actions > Cancel registration. Yapla will ask you for confirmation. Finish by clicking on Yes, your invoice is cancelled.

To learn more about the specifics of cancelling a registration, read this article that explains it further.

For more details, see: Canceling an Event Registration


Donations application

To cancel a donation, go to Donations > Campaigns > Your campaign > Donations received. Click on one of your donations. From the donation details page, you have the possibility to click on the button Available actions > Cancel donation. Yapla will ask you for confirmation. Finish by clicking on Yes, the donation is cancelled.

For more details, see: Cancel a donation


Data application

It is not possible to cancel a payment linked to the Data application. However, it is possible to cancel an item that is not related to payment. 

For more details, see: Delete an item in the Data feature.


Cancelling a credit card payment

Attention: You will only be able to make an automatic refund if your Yapla account has sufficient funds to refund the transaction. 

If the payment was made by credit card, here is what you will see on the screen: 


The system shows you the amount of commission for the transaction. And offers you the possibility to apply cancellation fees (Plus package and more). For example, you can decide not to refund the commission fees to the user.


Cancellation of payments by bank transfer or check

If the payment was made by check or bank transfer, this is what is displayed on the screen: 


Yapla does not allow automatic refunds for payments made by other means than a credit card. The system confirms that you must proceed with the refund of the user.

If you want to change the status of the membership or subscription without affecting the accounting, select the option Cancel without refund.


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