It happens sometimes that a member no longer wishes to be a member or that an error has occurred during the purchase of a membership. When this happens, it is possible for the administration to cancel the membership in question.
Cancel the membership of a member or delegate
To cancel a membership, first select the member in question and then select the "Current Membership" tile.
Click on the Current membership, and "Membership information sheet". Then click on "Available Actions" then "Cancel Membership".
If your member had a delegate membership, it is advisable to remove this member from the organization.
Cancel the membership of an organization representative
Before cancelling an organization representative, it is important to remove them from the organization. To do this, go to the organization's file and delete the representative by clicking on the X at the end of the line. However, it is strongly advised to change the representative for another member of the organization rather than simply delete it.
For more information on how to change the representative or how to transfer the membership, you can consult the following article : Changing a representative.
Once the representative has been removed from the organization, simply search for the member and delete their membership as described above. Please note that if the membership is paid for, a refund can be made at this point.
For more information on refunds, you can consult the following article: Refund a membership on Yapla.
Important : Delegate membership status is synchronized each night with the status of the representative. It is therefore important not to cancel the delegate's membership without first withdrawing it.
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