Customize registration forms according to rates

Yapla allows you to present different rates for your events, according to your needs. Adjust the forms for each rate to collect the right information.

Where to set up rate-specific forms

Go to the "Events" application and select your event from the list. Choose the "Prices" menu.


There, choose an existing rate or click "add a rate". In the rate configuration menu, scroll down to the "Subscription forms" section.

By default the subscription form will be configured in the event form contexts
(Your event>Forms>Contexts).

By checking the box "Use a different subscription form for this price", you can choose a form specific to this rate.


Select from you existing forms, the form displayed for a participant as well as the one used for additional participants.
Create your forms on the Forms tab of your event (Your Event > Forms > Forms).

Display on the web page

When a participant registers for an event, he or she first chooses his or her rate. If you have assigned different forms to your rates, the registration form will change depending on the rate chosen.



By choosing a rate, the associated form will be displayed and the participant can enter their information. 



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