You can allow your members to export the elements of an object via their Member Area on your website. Once the option is activated, the member can export all items or only the information related to a single item and receive the report by email. He can also directly download his report from his Member Section.
Where to configure the export of objects by members?
Go to the configuration of your Member Section module, on a page of your website. Select the zone containing the module to open the configuration page.
Activate the export of objects in the Member Section
In the Member Section configuration, select the menu item related to your object. Click "Edit" to display the options.
If you do not yet have an "object" item in your Member Section, find out how to display a new item in your Member Section to create a section related to your object.
In the menu item configuration, check the "Allow export of all object items" check box.
Export all items of an object
Once the option is activated, connected members will see the "Generate Export" button in the object section of their member area.
Warning: the button does not appear if the association between the two objects is limited to a single element. Change the configuration of your object field to allow the association of several elements.
Export a single element
In addition to being able to export all the elements of an object, the option allows your members to export a single item, including all its information, its links with other objects (if configured as to be exported).
Warning: This option is only available if the object is configured with the "Type D" workflow.
By clicking on an item in the Member Section, connected members see the "Generate Export" button in the object section of the Member Section.
Warning: this button appears only if the status of the item is "approved".
Export the report
Both for all elements and for an individual element, these export buttons allow the member to send an email containing the report. The member can indicate the email address of his choice.
Once the document is sent, the member can also download the report within 24 hours.
The exported report will be in an Excel file format.
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