Create a dynamic search for your donors

The dynamic search of your donors allows you to create groups of donors by defining search criteria to directly associate contacts to groups according to the criteria. 

In other words, a dynamic search is a set of search criteria that will be associated to a donor according to values in his profile.  The criteria will relate to the Donations application to define donor groups.  

A dynamic search will include all donors regardless of the donation campaign. 

Create a dynamic search 

In this example, we will use the amount of donations made.

To create a search, go to Donations > Settings > Parameters for donor management > "Dynamic searches" tile



Clicking on it brings you to a list of dynamic searches, with the columns : 

  • Name
  • Minimum amount
  • Maximum amount
  • Period (in days)
  • Description
  • Status (ex: published)


To add a dynamic search, click on "Add new search".

The search form is as follows: 

  • Name (required)
  • Description
  • Minimum amount (mandatory)
  • Maximum amount (mandatory)
    • The maximum amount must be higher than the minimum amount.
      The minimum amount must be lower than the maximum amount
  • Period over which to search for donors (in days) 
    • If you enter 0 days, we take all the donations of the donor (no limit)
    • If you enter a number of days, it means that you have to calculate the donations made within this time limit (expl: 180: all donations made in the last 180 days).


In this example, we want to create a group of "Gold Donors" who have donated more than $500 in the last 365 days. 

When all criteria are met, click "Save".

You will then return to your dynamic search list. 

What do I use my dynamic search for?

The dynamic search allows you to create groups that update automatically. 

These groups have the same function as the system groups, it is possible to select them in the module search and configuration, but it is not possible to manually assign them to an item (member, contact...).

A donor can be associated to several dynamic searches, if he matches the different criteria of the different searches.

For more information on how to assign a group manually, read this article on custom groups.



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