When displaying items on your website, it is sometimes possible to display the article detail page on a different page, i.e. a container. This gives you more freedom in the choice of article to display on the detail page and allows you to have different sections of articles on the same page.
Creating the container page
First of all it is important to create a new page on your website. You can read the article Creating a web page to learn how to do it. It is very important to select the box "Don't display this page in the menu of your website".
Once the page is created, go to the "Edition" tab of the page and click on the "Main Area". Then, select the module of the "Single Article" area.
In the Module configuration area, check the "Use as container" option then select the items you wish to display in the detail page of your item. Save.
Configuration of the page containing the items
On your page that contains the articles, go to "Edition" and select the area where the articles should be inserted. Select the module of your choice between Multiple Articles or Featured Articles.
Configure the rest of the module then towards the end in "Call to Action", you must select the "Container" page you have previously created.
Once configured, you can see on your website that when you click on an item on this page, you are redirected to the Container detail page.
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