View the Amounts Received from a Donation Campaign

You can consult the total of your donation campaigns through the different displays of Yapla functionalities.


My results

From the main dashboard, you can view the most active campaigns in your Yapla account. The My Results section displays the total number of contacts in your database, your earnings for the past year, and the number of active members.


Example of the My results section

Your activities

Also in the dashboard, in the Your activities section, you have the possibility to see the most active campaigns and events. For displayed campaigns, the amount of donations collected and the number of donors is available.

You can select a campaign to display its complete file.

Example of the Your activities section

Donation application

You can also find your campaign in the Donations application. In the Campaigns tab, view the list containing all of your donation campaigns.

Click on the name of the campaign that interests you to display its file.


In your campaign file, the Donations received tile displays the total amount received and the number of donors for this campaign.


Click on the Donations received tile to see the list of donors as well as the details of each donation.

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