Annual consolidation of donations eligible for a donation receipt

Some of your recurring donors may prefer to receive just one donation receipt a year. This saves them the hassle of accumulating receipts, and is also convenient for their accounting. Yapla therefore offers the possibility of consolidating donations from the same source, to provide a satisfying experience for your regular donors.

Check that your campaign is configured to issue receipts

From your Dashboard, click on the Donations feature, then choose Campaigns.

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On the Campaigns page, click on the campaign to which your recurring donor contributes.

Then select the Donation receipts tile. In the menu on this page, click on Configuration.


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In the Send donation receipts section, you must have checked the Yes option.

This way donors to this campaign can receive tax-deductible receipts for their donation(s).

In the Receipts management section for single donations, you must have selected the Create the receipts manually option. This prevents receipts from being generated automatically for each donation received.

Note that you can only consolidate receipts that have not already been sent. This is why it is so important that receipts are not sent or generated automatically.


Consolidate receipts from your regular donors

Receipts can be consolidated once the current year has elapsed.

To issue a consolidated receipt, go to your Yapla Dashboard account and select the Donations feature. Then click on Campaigns, and select the campaign of your choice.

On the new page that appears, select the Donation receipts tile.

This opens the Receipts page for this campaign. In the menu on this page, click on Consolidated receipts. From the drop-down list, select the year for which you wish to consolidate tax receipts.


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A list of your recurring donors is displayed. Select for whom you wish to consolidate receipts. Then click on Generate.

Once consolidated, the receipts appear in the Receipt page (to the left of Consolidated receipts, in the current page menu) with the status Consolidated.

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Can you consolidate one-off donations and recurring donations?

Your donors may start by supporting your campaign with a one-off, punctual donation. Then they may decide to make monthly recurring donations. At the end of the year, if your campaign is set up as described in this article, they can still benefit from a consolidated receipt. This is also the case for donors who make two one-off donations during the year. Just make sure that your receipts are generated manually. Please note that once the receipts are consolidated, an automatic email is sent to your donors. We therefore advise you to review the content of the communication Issuance of a receipt to adjust the year of receipts.

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