Management of newsletter users

The Yapla Newsletter platform allows you to manage users. You can create new users, modify their information, deactivate or delete them.

The Newsletter user status

The users of the Newsletter platform are different from those of the Yapla Platform. The two software are linked, but independent. 

By default, Yapla users are in the list of Newsletter users with the administrator role. However, the opposite is not true. 


User management

Once on the Newsletter application, under the Administration menu and then in the Users tab (left menu), it is possible to add a user, modify their rights or deactivate them.



Create a user

To create a user, click "New User" in the left column.


Enter the email address, first and last name and select the role (Administrator for full access or User to limit some accesses).


Click on "Save".

A welcome email with the password will be sent automatically to the registered address.

If the email with the password has not been received or has been lost, the "Forgot Password" function on the login page allows you to resend an email with the password.

Modify a user

To edit an account, select the option from the user action menu (to the right of the user).


You can modify all his information: email, last name, first name and role.

Click on mceclip4.png

Deactivate a user

To deactivate or reactivate an account, select the option from the user action menu (to the right of the user).


A deactivated user remains visible in the user list, but its status is inactive. You can activate it at any time by selecting the option in the same menu:


You can also choose to "Delete" a user. In this case, the deletion is final and the user will no longer be visible in the user list. Since this action is irreversible, you will have to answer a confirmation request.


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