Manage contact passwords

The Contacts application consolidates all your users, whether they are donors, members or event participants.

This application also allows you to centralize and synchronize the management of your contacts' passwords, in particular for connecting to their Member Space or to a page of your website reserved for connected people. Your contacts have a single password for all Yapla applications.

Password management in the Contacts application 

In a contact's form, the "Change Password" section allows you to access a form to change your contact's password.


Through this form, you have the possibility to change the password of your contact. Thus, the contact's password will be updated in all applications in which the contact is involved. 

As an administrator, you can always access the modification of this password in the Members application.

Changing a password by a contact 

In case a contact wants to reset his password independently, you can redirect him to the login page of your website, where he can use the forgotten password link:


The contact will be redirected to the forgotten password page and the communication "Reset password" will be sent to them.

Please note: 

If the contact resets his password from the Member Space module, he will receive the "Reset Password" communication from the member application. This communication can be modified in the settings of the Members application.

(Members > Settings > Communications > "Password reset").

If the contact resets their password from the login module, they will receive the "Password Reset" communication from the Contacts application.  This communication can be changed in the Contacts application settings.

(Contacts > Settings > Communications > "Password Reset").

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