Add a donation pledge

Pledges are donations that your donors have pledged to make, but of which you have not yet received payment. It is the equivalent of the status Awaiting payment of others Applications in Yapla.

To receive pledges through your website, activate the check payment method in your account. Once you have received the check, you can transform the pledge into a donation in order to issue the tax receipt.

Add pledges in back office

If you have received pledges and want to display them in your campaign thermometer or just want to track them, enter them manually in Yapla.

To add a pledge, in the Donations list your campaign, click "Available actions" and click "Add a pledge".

The form will be the same as for adding a donation, but without the payment step. The pledge will appear in the list of donations with the status Pledged. As long as the status is Promised, the donation amount can be changed.

WARNING: The addition of a pledge leaves no trace of accountability. As long as it is not indicated as being paid, there will be no accounting entry in your reports and it will not be recorded in your general journal.

Turning a pledge into a donation

In the pledge's details, click on the "Pay" button.

Choose the payment method, fill out the form and proceed to payment. The pledge will immediately be turned into a donation. Communications and receipts will be sent if applicable.

Display pledges on your website

You can display in your campaign thermometer if you want to increase the amount received.

Go to the "Donation section" zone module of your website. In the In the Graphical interface section, check the box "Include donation pledges in the thermometer".

The 2 types of thermometer will be updated: the global thermometer on the campaign list as well as the campaign thermometer on its details page.

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