Setting the location and address of an event

When you create an event with Yapla, you can tell participants whether it takes place online, or at a physical address. For example, you can offer a webinar online; or you can organize a group activity at a real location. This information is displayed in your event details. Here's how to set up your event's location and address with Yapla.

Configure the physical address of your event

By entering the physical address of your event, Yapla lets you quickly enter your address using Google Maps.

To create your address, first go to your event, then click on the Configuration tile.


A new page appears, giving you the option of clicking on Specify a location. Then click on Event with address.

Enter your address; a drop-down list appears.


Setting up an online event 

If your event is virtual, as might be the case for a training course, conference or webinar, the Address field automatically indicates Online event. In this case, the field will be grayed out and you won't be able to change it.

A little tip: you can include the link to your online event in the registration confirmation e-mail. This way, only those who have registered will know the URL.

Going further: save time by duplicating an event

If you need to create several events with the same principle or address, for example, you can duplicate an event. This gives you a template from which you can more easily create your next event. A real time-saver! To find out how, take a look at our article entitled Duplicate an event to simplify its creation

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