Attach a PDF document to your communications

With Yapla, you can easily attach PDF documents to your communications to share them with your collaborators, members, or donors. This option is particularly useful for providing information related to an event, such as a participation certificate or a membership card. Here's how to create a PDF document to include in your communications in just a few simple steps.

Create a New PDF Document in Yapla

Each PDF document you create in Yapla can be linked to:

  • One of the events you organize, OR
  • The members of your nonprofit organization.
  1. Start by accessing the configuration of the Members feature or selecting the event for which you want to create a PDF document. In this example, to keep it clear and simple, we will use the Events feature.

To do this, go to the Events feature, then select the event of your choice. Next, click on the Documents tile, and then click on the Add a Document button.

A new page will appear, where you can start creating your document.

General Information

  • The Document Name field is used to easily locate the document in your document list. This name also appears as the title of the PDF file.
  • The Technical Name field is automatically populated with the name you previously entered.
  • The Type field requires you to define whether it is a PDF document or a custom one.
  • The Communication Language field allows you to automatically generate keywords in the recipient's language. For instance, if you have a bilingual website or if you have included a language field in the registration form, you need to create a document in each language. Then, specify the language you want to use so that the documents are associated with the appropriate communications.
  • The Description field is optional. However, we recommend filling it out to make it easier to manage as an account administrator.


  • Contexts allow you to customize and adapt document management to your specific needs for each event.
    • List Context: This context is generally used to display or manage multiple documents simultaneously. For example, if you have a list of participants for an event, the list context allows you to view and manage documents associated with all these participants in a single view.
    • Unit Context: This context is used to manage a single document at a time. For example, if you want to review or modify the details of a single participant in an event, you would use the unit context to access that specific document.

In our example, we will select the Unitary type.

  • The text editor Content corresponds to what your PDF contains. You can add text and format it (colors, text size, images, links, etc.) using the text editor's features. If you are comfortable with HTML code, you can also edit directly through the source code.


  1. You can then add dynamic keywords to automatically personalize the document. You can view the list of available dynamic fields by clicking the Member Keywords and Membership Keywords buttons. This way, each recipient can see their name at the beginning of the communication or information related to their registration.
  2. Once your message is configured, click the Save button. If you want to preview the result, click Preview to generate a PDF and check its layout.

Linking the PDF to a Communication

  1. Then, go to the Events feature and select the event for which you just created the PDF document.
  2. Click on the Communications tile and choose the communication you want to associate with the PDF.
  3. At the bottom of the communication, you will see an Attachments section. Click on it and select the document you previously created. Finalize your action by clicking the Add button, then save your communication.


Going further: create a PDF common to all events

If you wish, you can also create a PDF document common to all your events, rather than one specific to each event. To do this, simply go to the global settings option for your events. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us!

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