Because running an NPOs takes time, we thought it would be practical to save you some. That's why all the communications available in Yapla can be automated. All you have to do is set them up once, and they'll be sent automatically from then on.
But beware: if an error occurs at the setting stage, the erroneous communication will still be sent! To avoid this inconvenience, we suggest you take a look at our list of points to check when configuring your e-mail settings.
List of points to check when setting your communications
- Does the general template apply to communications?
- Does the general template contain the __TEMPLATE_CONTENT__ keyword?
- Are dynamic keywords preceded and followed by a space? This is essential for them to work. They must not be bolded, underlined or italicized. They must not contain any links.
- Is this the right sender? By default, your organization's name is the sender's name. The sender's e-mail address is the address you entered in the Setting feature (under Communications, Sender e-mail tile).
- Is the communication associated with the right context? For example, is it about a member's membership, information about an event or details of a donation? (for more details, see the list of communications)
- Is there only one communication for this context and this audience?
- Is the language setting correct? Recipients receive only the communication associated with their preferred language.
- Have you specified the right recipients for your communications? For example, payment details for an event registration may be sent to the registration manager, not to all participants.
- Would you like to receive a copy of the communications? Remember that if you send an e-mail to several people, for example a password to your members, or a registration reminder to your participants, you will receive a copy of each e-mail sent, and not a summary (which can represent hundreds of e-mails in some cases).
- Do you need to send a copy of this e-mail to other people? You can also send the communication to a recipient based on a field in your forms. Communications are then sent to the emails entered as values in these fields.
- Does the subject of the e-mail correspond to what you want to communicate?
- Is the text of your e-mail complete? Proofread to ensure that the information is correct and that there are no spelling mistakes.
- Are reminders scheduled on the right dates? Some communications allow you to select when they are sent: this is the case, for example, with renewal and event participation reminders.
- Is communication active? Check that the small button at the top of the page indicates "Active". An inactive communication is not sent.
Going further: add an attachment to your communication
Yapla lets you create PDF documents that you can then attach to your communications. Find out how in this article: Adding a PDF document as an attachment.
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