Make a membership available for renewal only

Yapla allows you to choose which memberships are available to your members. You can make a membership available for renewal only. 

This way, all members who renew, regardless of their membership type, will have access to that membership. In other words, members joining for the first time will not have access to it. 

To see how to make a membership available only to members with a certain type of membership, see this article

Note that as an administrator, you can associate any membership with your members.

Why restrict access to a membership?

This feature allows you to create a workflow of memberships, whether it is

  • to retain and thank your members who have a certain membership with a cheaper membership or with more interesting benefits;
  • or to avoid validating renewals and information from your members who already have a current membership. 

How to make a membership available for renewal only

In the Members Settings, click on the "Membership Types" tile. Then click on the type of membership you want to limit availability.


Once you have clicked on the membership type, you are on the general configuration interface. On this page, scroll down to find the "Availability of the membership type" section on your website. 


In the "Availability of the type of membership on your website" section, you can set whether the membership is only available for renewal. Indeed, by checking "Suggest this membership type on your website for existing members" and unchecking "Suggest this membership type on your website for new members", the membership will only be displayed in the member space of your members when they renew. 

Of course, by checking both boxes, you make the membership available to both first time members and renewing members. 

Finally, by checking the first box and unchecking the second box, you make the membership available only to new members. 

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