You can allow your members to present their services online, to give better visibility to their actions.
Configure your services from the Members application settings. Then choose the "Services" page.
The Services application is distributed according to three criteria (configurable in the tertiary menu):
- Services: activities proposed by the member (ex: household help)
- Sectors: sector of activity (e.g. personal assistance)
- Customers: the public targeted by the service (e.g., retirees, disabled persons)
No default, no services are displayed in this menu.
Define your services (sectors and customers)
As an administrator, you can set up the different services, sectors and customers that the members of your association will be able to select to present their activities.
Click on "Add a service" (button on the right) :
Then enter the name of your service and save.
You can enrich the list of services by simply ordering and categorizing the different services on your list using the mouse (drag and drop system).
You can also move services to make them sub-categories of the main category :
Once you have added your list of services, activate the service management :
Proceed in the same way to configure and activate sectors and customers.
Associating services to a member as an administrator
As an administrator, you can associate services with your members. To do so, choose a member from the list in the "Members" application. Then select the "Services" page. This page is only available if service management is enabled.
By default, no services are selected. To change the selection, click . You can then check the appropriate services. Then click
. You can change the services associated with a member at any time.
The selection of sectors and customers is made in the same way. As for the services, if the tile does not appear, make sure they are first activated in the parameters.
Selecting your services as members
When one of your members will connect to his online profile, he will be able to click on the "Services" menu to check off the activities, sectors and clienteles in the list that you will have created in administration.
Using services to improve research
Once your services are configured and associated with members, you can use them in the member directory.
Online visitors can then use a search engine to find a member of your association by service, sector or clientele.
Add a field to the search tool
To add the service field to your Member directory module, select the module on your web page. In the Search section of the module, check the box "Services offered by members" to activate the search by services.
On your site, the directory will now display the "Services" field in the search engine.
Showing services in search results
You can also add a services column to the directory search results. In the module configuration "Members" section, add a field by choosing "Services" from the drop-down list.
This will display the services of your members in the search results of your member directory.
Good to know :
If one of your members, in his profile, does not select anything in "Services", he will not appear in the search results.
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