Sending bills or payment receipts

Yapla lets you send bills or receipts to your members, participants or donors. First of all, make sure that the Accounting feature is activated, as it is directly linked to the management of your bills. Let's find out how to send a bill or receipt.

Edit a bill template

Billing templates are created by default in your account with basic settings.

To edit one of the templates, click on the Settings option in the Accounting feature.

Then click on the Bills tab to access the templates and their settings. This option is available with the Premium Plan.

This tab also lets you determine the number format of your bills.


Sending out the bill

Although you can attach a PDF to any communication, sending the billling must be associated with a specific communication, in order to contain the right information.

Bills for payment

When someone registers for your event and chooses to pay by check or bank transfer, a communication is sent to them, containing their bill to pay.

Here is the list of communications (associated with the feature on which they depend) to which it is possible to add a bill to be paid:

Feature Message type
Members Membership waiting to be paid
Members Reminder - Membership awaiting payment
Events Confirmation of registration pending payment to the responsible
Congress Registration confirmation waiting for payment
Customized forms Waiting for payment
Shop Waiting for payment

Payment confirmations

When a bill is paid, a payment confirmation is sent to the participant.

Here is the list of communications (associated with the feature on which they depend) to which it is possible to add a bill payment confirmation:

Feature Message type
Members Validated membership
Members Renewed membership
Members Resends the payment confirmation
Events Validated registration confirmation to the responsible
Congress Registration confirmation
Customized forms Completed transaction
Shop Confirmation of payment

Associer un PDF à une communication

Go to your list of communications, and click on the name of the communication concerned. At the bottom of the list, in the billing attachment section, select your document and save your communication.


Going further: check that your communication is correctly set up before sending it.

To save you time and trouble, we've put together a checklist of things to check before sending your communications. Here are the essential points to review to save you time and trouble: Checklist for communications settings.

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