How to create an event page [Guide]

You can make your events public, whether they're meetings, festive events or training courses. We therefore recommend that you create a page that brings them together: not only does it contain all the information participants need, but you can also include them in a calendar.

Prerequisites: create an event first

To create your event page, first make sure you've created and set up your first event on Yapla.

Once you've created your event, follow these steps to publish it on your site.

Step 1 - Create your site's Events page

From your Yapla Dashboard, click on the Website feature, then choose the Pages tile.

In the bottom right-hand corner, click on Add a Page. Here you can enter the URL of your future Events page, and give it a name (e.g., "Our Events", "Activities", etc.).


Once the page has been set up, click Next Step.


The page is now visible on your site, but is displayed without content when clicked.

To add your events to this page, click on the page you've just created, then on the Structure tab. Select the area where you wish to add content for your events. As a general rule, we recommend adding it to the MainArea, i.e. the center of the page.


Once in the area, you'll need to configure the Events module. To do this, select the Events feature and the zone module: Events Area.


Please note: it is also possible to have a featured Events module. This is useful for displaying the most recent events on your home page. For more information on this second module, here's an article that might interest you: Featured Events.

Step 2 - Define how your events are displayed

Still in this window, you can set the graphical interface. You'll need to choose the type of display you'd like for your events. Generally speaking, if you have more than one event, we recommend that you use the Tile mode, as it allows you to display several events at once.


Step 3 - Configure your event details page

The detail page is the description of your event. You can choose which important information to display for each event. Check off all the information you wish to display.


For further details on settings, please refer to the article on the Events Section, which describes all the options available to you.

Then click on Save and close. Now you can go to your site and view your Yapla Events!

It's very important that your events are published in the editor, so that they can appear on your site. 

Contact us if you need any assistance!

Our team is here for you. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need help!

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