It is possible to make your forms dynamic to obtain more flexibility in your questions. You can choose to display additional fields or sections based on the provided answers.
In this article:
Show additional fields based on answer
Conditional fields allow you to display additional questions directly under a given question when certain answers are selected in your form. This option is available for the following fields:
- Checkbox
- Multiple Checkboxes
- Selection list
- Single-choice response (radio)
Showing conditional fields is useful when you want more details about an answer choice. In order to add a conditional field to your form, you will first need to create all the fields you need.
How to configure them in forms
If you add a condition in a section containing 2 columns, your fields will automatically be placed in a single column. This avoids a shift in the 2nd column when additional fields appear.
Add the field with the answer choice to the desired location in your form. Then click on the three small dots to the right of the field and select the Conditions submenu.
Then choose the display rules, that is to say the answer choice(s) which will display the conditional question fields. You can also add descriptive text here which will appear before the conditional fields.
Once the conditional fields option is created under the question, you can add one or more fields to it.
On your website, as well as in your forms on Yapla, conditional fields will only appear if the options mentioned are selected. In addition, if the additional fields are mandatory, they must be completed only if they are visible.
In view mode, additional fields will only be displayed if the condition applies.
Not applied:
To go further, you can also add more than one condition to your questions based on the answer given. For example, each answer provided can trigger a different condition. Simply select the three dots to the right of your question and add a condition there again. This option is only available if you have configured a multiple choice question.
In the following example, if one brand or the other is selected, the corresponding models will be displayed.
Show sections based on a given answer
Additional sections also allow you to display one or more additional fields, but in an additional section that will be displayed based on a given response. This option is available for the following fields:
- Checkbox
- Selection list
- Radio buttons
- Multiple choice answer
This option is useful if you want to build a section dedicated to a response provided, but in an isolated section.
How to configure them in forms
To add a section that will display when one of your configured questions is answered, click Add Section and give it a name. Click the wheel , check Show this section based on a given answer, then select the question in question under Field allowing the display. Under Value displaying section, select all choices that will allow this section to be displayed. Then add all the desired question fields in this new section and save.
In this example, when a choice of level of study is made among College, BAC, Master or PhD, an additional section will be displayed in the form to allow a question relating to the school to be added. The additional section will display as follows:
If the answer is "None", no additional sections will be displayed.
In edit mode, labels () or (
) allow you to easily find the conditions applied to a section or if a section is only intended for administrators.
Frequently asked questions
Will conditional fields and sections affect my data exports?
There will be no change in your exports. The questions will be separated into separate columns, as with the other fields.
My form is already online, can I still add a conditional field?
Forms can be modified at any time, including after they are posted online.
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