Add a custom group to your donation campaign

When creating a donation campaign, you have the option to add a custom group to it. This way, all donors making a donation in this campaign will have this group attached to their profile.


Add a custom group to your donation campaign

Donations / Campaigns / Categorization

The first step is to Create Custom Groups

Then, in the "donations" feature, select your campaign and click on the "Categorization" thumbnail. In the field "Associated groups" you will be able to select your group(s).


What are the advantages of this configuration?

Groups allow you to segment your contacts quickly and identify them if they have private access to your website. Here are a few examples of uses: 

  • You have many donation campaigns, and 4 types of donors. By creating 4 personalized groups and assigning them to your campaigns, you can quickly and easily target your contacts for a newsletter. 
  • Some of your members are donors, and your members benefit from a member space. You wish to give access to a particular page to some of your online donor members who have donated in several of your campaigns. By grouping them with a personalized group, this configuration will be accelerated and simplified.
  • In your donor database, you can quickly search for donors based on your custom group.

A configuration adapted to the Galaxy plan

If you are using the Association application, you know that it is important to manage the accesses of your users and the associations attached to your account. By attaching a personalized group to one of your associations and to a donation campaign, you ensure the security of your data. Here's an example of how to do this: 

You are a federation. Three associations are attached to your structure: A, B and C. You have three donation campaigns on your account : Donation A, Don B and Don C. 
Association A must be able to view and consult only the donations of the Donation A campaign.
Association B must be able to view and consult only the donations of the Donation B campaign 
Association C must be able to view and consult only the donations of the Donation c campaign





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